Kogei Seika vol.17
■Published in 2022 by Shinchosha, Tokyo
■A4 in size, linen cloth coverd book with endpaper made of Japanese paper
■232 Colour Plates, Frontispiece with Japanese paper made by Wataru Hatano
■Each chapter is accompanied by an English summary and all photographs are with captions in English
■Limited edition of 1200
■18,000 yen (excluding tax)
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目次 Contents
1|奈良と骨董 無窮亭河瀬虎三郎
Nara and Antiques: Mukyutei, Torasaburo Kawase
・記憶の花 川瀬敏郎
・どれも「奈良」 小松義宜
・河瀬家二代 杉村理
2|タイの古陶 永田コレクション
Antique Thai Ceramics, Nagata Collection
・タイ陶磁概説 閑野譚
・掘るか広げるか 永田玄
‘Crafts for Daily Life’ and Takashi Murakami
・三谷さんと生活工芸の四〇年 菅野康晴
・三谷龍二さんと松本で 村上隆
・赤木明登さんと輪島で 村上隆
・辻和美さんと金沢で 村上隆
・内田鋼一さんと四日市で 村上隆
・安藤雅信さんと多治見で 村上隆
・松本武明さんと川越で 村上隆
・広瀬一郎さんと西麻布で 村上隆
・平松洋子さんと神楽坂で 村上隆
・高橋みどりさんと南平台で 村上隆
・伊藤まさこさんと代官山で 村上隆
・有山達也さんと馬喰町で 村上隆
・旅の終りに 村上隆
・座談会 生活工芸の作家たち 赤木明登 安藤雅信 内田鋼一 辻和美 三谷龍二 村上隆 菅野康晴
連載 Series
・ロベール・クートラスをめぐる断章群11 堀江敏幸
石州和紙 若菜晃子
扉の絵 ハタノワタル
1|奈良と骨董 無窮亭河瀬虎三郎
Nara and Antiques: Mukyutei, Torasaburo Kawase
Torasaburo Kawase (b. 1888 in Tokushima - d. 1971 in Nara). Tea master. He called himself Mukyutei. He first worked as a textile merchant and sword collector in Osaka. In 1943 he moved to Nara, where he built his residence and tea houses at the foot of Mt. Tamon, which environs Emperor Shomu’s tomb. He created a style of tea ceremony, typical of Nara, using Buddhist art and ancient pottery from the Heian and Kamakura periods. He is also known for his relationship with Jian / Yasuzaemon Matsunaga, the king of electric power in the Showa period and a great tea master.
‘This is a piece of art that cannot be acquired by money alone. It is rare to find a person who collects things as skillfully as Kawase in the sense that he puts them on the table, looks at them and uses them, uses them and looks at them. They become a part of his life as his family’, writes Hideo Hata.
Kawase is well known as a connoisseur in the tea and antique circles, but not the general public. In the summer of the year before last, Yoshinari Komatsu, an antique dealer, showed me a photograph of the former collection of Mukyutei. That was the beginning of the idea for the article. I photographed some at his former residence in Tamon, where his grandson lives, and some in Komatsu’s shop. Toshiro Kawase, an Ikebana artist, arranged flowers there 34 years ago, after the death of Mukyutei, on objects related to the late master. It was a memorable time for Toshiro in his long career, too. I requested the same for Kogei Seika. The flower he arranged was different from the time in appearance and meaning. Nevertheless, it is the flower for now.
There remains a booklet in which Mukyutei wrote down his thoughts about tea ceremonies and utensils. It is titled Droplets of Nagi (left page). Nagi is a type of evergreen in a sacred forest in the Kasuga Taisha shrine, dedicated in ancient time. Mukyutei planted many in his garden. The bark peels off when the tree becomes large, and the trunk stands upright with a spiral twist on the surface so that it naturally, makes up, look up to the sky. (S)
2|タイの古陶 永田コレクション
Antique Thai Ceramics, Nagata Collection
There is a coffee shop in Kyoto called KAFE KOSEN. The owner, Minoru Oya, is a specialist in roasting coffee beans. We had been meeting in Matsumoto every year for the last ten years or so, and as we were both taking part in the same craft events, we talked about craft all the time. Like any urbanite, his talk was harsh and sensitive, and I thought this is what a critic should be.
Oya took me to meet Gen Nagata (born in 1952). I don’t know how they met, but it was immediately apparent that Oya respected (or perhaps revered) Nagata. Formerly an editor at Magazine House, he is an expert on sports cars, has written a successful golf instruction book, and a novel that Suehiro Tanemura has praised. He is also a collector of modern and contemporary photographs. I am sure there are other faces, but Oya introduced him to me as a collector of Thai ceramics.
I photographed only a tiny part of the collection (The selection may seen biased. That is just because I chose them for Kogei Seika). Nevertheless, I am surprised by its quality and quantity. There are several collections of Southeast Asian ceramics in Japan, and there have been exhibitions and books introducing the area. But Nagata’s collection of Thai ceramics is nothing comparable. His ceramics are mainly from the Northern part of Thailand, but some are from the south. The country had different dynasties in the north and south, so the culture was very different. When we hear about the impetus and the history of the collection (it is interesting to learn about the local situation), we understand why this mass is so high in quality. At the same time, he has been very selective. It is the eye for Ferrari and J.H. Lartigue. Nagata is a son of a painter Riki Nagata, and his ‘eye’ might have grown in an artistic upbringing. However, I thought of the ‘era’ that gave Nagata’s personality during the photo shoots. (S)
‘Crafts for Daily Life’ and Takashi Murakami
The term ‘Crafts for Daily Life(Seikatsu Kogei), seems obvious, as both ‘crafts (kogei)’and ‘daily life (seikatsu)’are common words. However, since around 2010, it has come to mean something else, a concept. The following is my (Sugano’s) own definition.
It is a lifestyle launched by have-nots for themselves and propagated by the haves after the collapse of the bubble economy in contemporary Japan. The haves and have-nots are not limited to their economic situation but also include personal contacts, authority, skills, cultural background, experience, rights, etc.
I believe there are three periods in the history of Seikatsu Kogei.
・Early period / the early 2000s: media (galleries, magazines, stylists, etc.) -led period.
・High period / the late 2000s: artist-led period.
・Late period / the early 2010s: concept formation period.
In the winter of 2020, the artist Takashi Murakami (born in 1962) and I visited five ‘Seikatsu Kogei’ artists. In the spring of the following year, we interviewed six people who propagated the movement (craft shop owners, essayists, stylists, and designers).
As an artist with a critical mind, a question motivated Murakami to study the movement. Does Seikatsu Kogei (albeit unconsciously) represent the post-war Japanese culture like manga and animation? If that is the case, it is urgent to conceptualize the movement before it fades away. He urged me to collect the testimonies of those involved.
In the 2000s, I was working in the editorial department of Geijutsu Shincho, writing articles on the Seikatsu Kogei artists. In this sense, my trip with Murakami was like going back to a bygone era with a vague sense of nostalgia. On the other hand, of course, Murakami was not naive in the slightest. He is a patriot who believed in the power of culture and Art. (S)