Kogei Seika vol.15
■Published in 2020 by Shinchosha, Tokyo
■A4 in size, linen cloth coverd book with endpaper made of Japanese paper (kozo)
■160 Colour Plates, Frontispiece with a stencil dyed art work by Michiaki Mochizuki
■Each chapter is accompanied by an English summary and all photographs are with captions in English
■Limited edition of 1000
■10,000 yen (excluding tax)
■To purchase please click
目次 Contents
1 書と古道具 坂田和實と日置路花
Calligraphy and Antique : Kazumi Sakata and Roka Hioki
・路花さんの書 坂田和實
・拙をめぐって 菅野康晴
2 鹿と彫刻 橋本雅也
Stags and Sculpture : Masaya Hashimoto
・鹿曼荼羅とはなにか 前橋重二
・動物と植物のあいだ 門田さくら
3 ロシアのロマネスク ノヴゴロドの聖ソフィア大聖堂
Romanesque Art in Russia, St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Novgorod
・ヴァイキングゆかりの商都 小澤実
・ロシアイコンとロマネスクの扉 金沢百枝
連載 Series
・ロベール・クートラスをめぐる断章群9 堀江敏幸
扉の絵 5
The Frontispiece 5
望月通陽《サウロの回心》 2020年 型染
Michiaki Mochizuki, The Conversion of Saul, 2020, Katazome (Japanese stencil print)
Saul fell off his horse euphorically as the voice of light pushed him from the back. As a persecutor of Christians, he repented his sin and decided to convert at that moment, eternity, from horseback to earth. Now was the time, and Saul was ready for it. Though the ground where he fell was hard, and it was a tough choice for the missionary hoe to wield.
Well. Clinging to the back of the horse that keeps running haphazardly on the cusp, as an unconscious persecutor, I have to put up with this arrogant age. But if the silly hooves keep kicking away the small fish in the shallows and roosting birds, oh, the voice of light, push me on the back so that I can fall off the horse auspiciously like Saul. (Michiaki Mochizuki / Artist)
1|書と古道具 坂田和實と日置路花
Calligraphy and Antique : Kazumi Sakata and Roka Hioki
二〇一九年一〇月から今年の九月まで、千葉の museum as it is では「内なる力 日置路花書作品と as it is 所蔵品」展がひらかれていました。as it is は、目白の古道具坂田の坂田和實さんの個人美術館で、一九九四年に開館しました(設計は中村好文さん)。展示替はだいたい半年に一度で、十数年まえからは、半年が常設展(通常展示)、のこり半年は陶芸家や建築家やデザイナーのコレクション展がおこなわれてきました。今回は前者、この記事は同展を取材したものです。路花さんの書作品も坂田さんのコレクションなのですが、それがいつごろ書かれたものなのか、路花さん自身もよくおぼえていないそうです。おそらく三〇年くらいまえ、とのこと。
From October 2019 to September 2020, the museum as it is in Chiba, Japan, held an exhibition entitled ‘Inner Strength: Japanese Calligraphy of Roka Hioki with the collection of the museum as it is’. The museum as it is a private museum of Kazumi Sakata, opened in 1994, designed by the architect Yoshifumi Nakamura. The display changes twice a year. For the past ten years, half of the year was for the permanent collection and the other half for the collection of potters, architects, and designers. The exhibition of Roka is the former. Roka’s calligraphic works are from Sakata’s collection, but Roka herself does not remember precisely when she wrote them. Probably thirty years ago.
Roka Hioki was born in Tokyo in 1936 and has been feeble since she was a girl, so she decided to teach calligraphy to make a living. She studied under Sofu Okabe (1910-2001) and later started a group Mugenkai with Roshi Arai (1920-2005) and others (1980). Sofu, Roshi, and Roka did not belong to the established calligraphic circles of various group exhibitions. While her exhibition at Seika Gallery in 2018, Roka said, ‘If you do not write tons, the work will end up being just ‘beautiful’. I want my calligraphy to be like home cooking so that it will become ‘ordinary’. (s)
2|鹿と彫刻 橋本雅也
Stags and Sculpture : Masaya Hashimoto
This article reports on the solo exhibition of the sculptor Masaya Hashimoto (born in 1978) titled ‘Things in Between: After the Mist’ (November 16 - December 14, 2019). The venue is London Gallery Shirokane. In an antique shop, contemporary works are rarely on display. Still, the owner, Hitoshi Tajima, appreciates Hashimoto’s work very much (it was his third solo exhibition at London Gallery, after those in 2012 and 2014) and he feels the closeness between the old things he cherishes and the atmosphere of Hashimoto’s works. In this exhibition as well, he combines Hashimoto’s work with antique art such as the Deer Mandala from Kasuga Shrine, a painting by Okyo Maruyama, the Negoro Oshiki (Japanese lacquered tray), and the Maezukue (a table to put the offering for Buddha).
Hashimoto is well known for realistic sculptures of plant, tree, and flowers made from deer antlers and bones. He carves them with transcendent technique and, based on anecdotes of accompanying a deer hunter to obtain the materials, are sometimes described in terms of life and death or prayer (both of which I think are appropriate). However, in this article, I wanted to see his work from another angle: the reversal of subject and object, union, and nullification. (S)
3|ロシアのロマネスク ノヴゴロドの聖ソフィア大聖堂
Romanesque Art in Russia, St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Novgorod
As part of the Romanesque series, I visited Novgorod, Russia, with an art historian, Momo Kanazawa. Novgorod is a town on the Volkhov River about three hours by car south of St. Petersburg. The oldest cities developed in Russia (Rus) during the 8th century. Novgorod is one of the earliest. It is at a strategic point of importance, connecting the Baltic Sea (the Western world) and the Black Sea (the Eastern world). It prospered by trade through the Middle Ages until the Grand Principality of Moscow took over the city in the late 15th century.
The Cathedral of St. Sophia, which we visited, was built in the mid-11th century by Vladimir the Great of Novgorod. It is the oldest living church in Russia. As it is an Eastern Orthodox church, it is quite different from the Romanesque churches we have seen so far (I was amazed by the icons through the ages). Above all, there are no sculptural decorations as in the Romanesque churches, i.e. the sculpture in the tympanum and capitals - the splendour of the Romanesque art. However, there is a delightful Romanesque narrative sculpture in St. Sophia’s Cathedral, a large bronze door made in Germany in the mid-12th century.
The first half of the article featured Russian icons and the second half Romanesque. It would be a rare occurrence in a single church. (S)